Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween #3

Hey--thanks to all you bloggers who posted about your field trips to Thomasson Farms. What a fun place! Me and the kids trekked out there this afternoon to (finally) pick up those prized Halloween pumpkins. It's pretty late in the season, so the gourds were a little picked over, but (on the bright side) we had the place to ourselves. Since we were all alone, I climbed into the corn box and played with the kids (shhh!!!). Also, we ended up with some pretty sexy pumpkins. I guess it was a successful trip!


Ashlee said...

Kira Bishop and Danielle Gilbert jumped in during our field trip...and there were tons of people around! You're just lucky you didn't have to share it with a bunch of crazy kids! :)

Stephanie said...

I still have yet to go there! Looks like a lot of fun!

radmegan said...

hey Heather, I just wanted to tell you that you are the best mom ever! I loved your 3-part Halloween series!

BFF my friend, BFF!!