First of all, Mikey turned 8 and was baptized. It was wonderful! He turned eight on July 2nd and was baptized on July 4th. We had a bunch of family there to enjoy the day with us, including Grandma & Grandpa Davies, Grandma & Grandpa Perkins, Aunt Honey & Uncle Mac, Uncle Todd, Aunt Jess & Cousin Luke. And of course, me and Chad. The baptism was beautiful and all our family contributed to the program. That night we lit many a firework in Mikey's honor.
Mikey went to XXX Rootbeer for his birthday dinner. This is the coolest place to go for your birthday--EVER! They played the Beatles' birthday song over the speakers in the restaurant, called Mikey to the front of the diner, stood him up on a chair, dressed him up in the costume below, and sang to him while he held a big sundae with a sparkler-esque candle in it. Mikey was so stunned by all the attention, he didn't know what to do! It was great!

Also, I'm pregnant again! (Although it probably isn't necessary to blog about it, seeing as how I don't think there is a single person in the greater Seattle area who I haven't told already). I am now 14 weeks and 3 days along. (But who's counting?) I'm due March 6th & get to find out the gender on October 19th. We are all so stinking excited about it. My tummy is expanding at an alarming rate and I love it!!!
My dear sweet Natty has recently started crying at the end of movies. It is adorable. It all started with the Legend of the Waterhorse movie. Yesterday, she cried at the end of Iron Giant. She is sooo cute! It usually happens at the climax of the movie, just as the monster-that-is-really-the-hero either sacrifices itself for the people who have been hunting it, or has to flee for it's safety, leaving behind the innocent child that it has created a lifelong bond with. At this point in the movie, Natty will throw her hands over her eyes and say, "my eyes are watering and I don't know why!!!" The cutest part is that she really doesn't know why she is crying. It is impossible not to squeeze her when it happens--it's just that cute!
Mikey has started cubscouts. He loves it! (Sister Price: you are his new favorite person in the world!) When he put his uniform on for the first time, he told me, "Mom I feel like a wizard. I've got this special costume and this book (his manual) full of instructions that I have to keep with me at all times." Ahh...a real wizard, indeed.
Lastly, my kids started school again (officially), today. Sure, we are homeschoolers, but today was Mikey's first day back on campus at Russell Ridge. He is taking a class on world cultures, speed stacks, science, writer's workshop and art on campus. He loved all his classes today and was excited to see all his buddies again after a long separation.
Well, I think that's it. All caught up. Whew. Now I can relax!