Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Most Action I've Ever Gotten At Church

So, it's been brought to my attention that I haven't updated my blog for a really long time. It's true. I just haven't had anything to say, I guess. I keep waiting for inspiration to hit---some lengthy but poetic observation that will deeply affect all who read it. Well, I guess I'll just have to settle for a few random things that struck me as funny.

First off, I got to substitute for awhile in Sunbeams today (the Sunday School class for 3 & 4 year olds). The little boy sitting next to me kept rubbing my back, squeezing my shoulder and blowing into the side of my face, greatly tickling my ear. It dawned on me as I was sitting there, trying to get this cute, but very active, little boy to sit still, that this was perhaps the most action I had ever gotten at church. The silver lining of this little storm cloud? His breath was surprisingly minty for a three year old.

The second incident happened on the way to the gym on Friday. I was complaining to Chad about how little I wanted to lift weights and get all sweaty and icky. Mikey turned to me and said, "Come on mom--you just gotta let go of your inhabitants and go for it." This was really amusing to me for two big reasons. 1.) I don't have any inhabitants, but if I did, I imagine the process of letting go of them would be really comical. 2.) He obviously was confusing the word "inhabitants" with "inhibitions" and I don't know where he learned either. It definitely wasn't from me. I spend my days watching Dora and playing with play doh. I don't have a habit of using words with more than two syllables.

Lastly, on Saturday my dear sweet husband got to play the part of Samuel the Lamanite at our Primary Super Saturday. It was great. He looked adorable in his native garb. The funniest part, though, was watching him drive away in our Honda Pilot, with his head gear blowing proudly in the wind as he sped down 256th St. Quite the sight.

So, that was my week. Sorry, no amazing inspirations or words to live by, except for maybe this: This month, may we all try harder to just "let go of our inhabitants and go for it."

p.s. Phil, if you are reading this--GO WORK ON YOUR BLOG! I think I speak for all of us when I say we'd love to snoop on the Maloys courtesy of blogspot.


Jessica Lynn Perkins said...

Dude! That was perfect! I think you could write about anything and it will be entertaining! Also, Is is just me or does Natty totally look Asian in that picture-probably just me. That picture of Mikey and Natty is SO cute! Awesome photography!

Mel said...

Chad's outfit really was awesome. We knew we could count on him to go all out! I love that picture. You have some way cute pictures of your kids.

Ashley said...

Mikey's quote is awesome. Made me smile.