Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My First Tag

Boy, oh, boy! I am so excited. This is my first ever "tag". I feel like someone just asked me if I wanted to each lunch at the cool kids' table! Tami, you totally made my day. And yes, I really am that geeky.

Okay, so the deal is 5 joys/5 fears/5 obsessions/5 surprising facts. Whoo-hooo!

5 Joys
1.) Date nights with Chad
2.) Rainy, gloomy days
3.) The zoo
4.) Sunday Dinners
5.) Going on crazy "adventures" with my family (i.e. driving around until we get lost and then finding some cool restaurant/store/park/etc.)

5 Fears
1.) Talking on the phone (I hate talking on the phone)
2.) Losing one of my children
3.) Losing someone else's child while I'm supposed to be "in charge"
4.) Falling in public (this should probably go into the "bad habit" category not the "fear" one, considering how often it happens)
5.) Walking around with my skirt tucked into my pantyhose. That seems like it would be horribly embarrassing. No one needs to see my bum squished and squeezed into those unforgiving hose.

5 Obsessions
1.) A clean bed. When Chad and I were first married, I wouldn't let him snack when we watched tv in bed because I was so neurotic about getting crumbs on the sheets.
2.) Funky socks. I love socks with patterns or stripes or tons of color. When I find cute ones on sale, I buy them in bulk and hoard them.
3.) Hair dye. I can't help it. I need to dye my hair. And often. If I were just a smidge braver I would try hot pink or electric blue for a few weeks.
4.) Cloudy weather. When it's sunny for more than a few days in a row, I get depressed. How's that for backwards?!?
5.) Food. I live to eat. As soon as one meal is done, I'm fantasizing about the next. My last thoughts before drifting off to sleep at night are often about what I will eat for breakfast the next morning. I went to the Puyallup Fair (my first fair experience) and I talked about all the food vendors for days. It was heaven.

5 Surprising Facts
1.) I was the official "rapper" for my third grade class. At each school assembly, I would get on stage and perform a rap written for our student of the month. My friend would supply the beat box noises.
2.) I used to be so incredibly shy that I would make other people order my food for me when we went to fast food restaurants. Talking to the cashier was just too frightening. I would've rather starved.
3.) I was voted "Most Likely to Succeed" in High School. If by "succeed" they meant "drop out of college to make babies," then they were totally right.
4.) When my baby sister was a kid, she couldn't say "heather." When she tried, it came out "Ho-Ho." My whole family picked up on it, and that became my nickname. With time my family got lazy and shortened it to "Ho." Cute, right? Yeah, real cute...
5.) I can't whistle.

Okay, now I tag Ashley, Michaelynn, Courtney, Merrilynn and Melanie. Or, anyone who feels like answering.


Stephanie said...

Awww, I'll tag you next time! I loved your tag. I feel like our pasts are very similar! If it makes you feel better, I tripped going UP the stairs at BYU almost monthly . . . always in between classes in the middle of hundreds of people. While reading the Twilight books I always felt like Bella and I were kindred spirits.

Michaelynn said...

Heather, how exciting! Thanks for inviting me to join your "cool kids" gang for lunch. Now I've just got to think up some interesting things about myself...

Jessica Lynn Perkins said...

That was awesome! How is your life so entertaining??? P.S. I hate talking on the phone too-it always feels so awkward for some reason! So if you ever get off the phone with me and think-'that was so weird', be comforted in the fact that I'm probably thinking the same thing.=)