Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pre-Ballet and Other Things

Today was Natty's first "pre-ballet" class. After years of sitting through brother's karate classes and t-ball games, Natty was very excited to have a class of her very own. It helped, of course, that she got to dress up as a ballerina to go to said class. Little girls are just fantastic.

Anyway, the class was adorable. Miss Mary instructed a group of six teenie, tiny, prima ballerinas. When it was time to plie, Natty did squats. When it was time to gracefully raise and lower their hands to the music, Natty did what appeared to be the robot. But she did it all with her chin raised proudly in the air, her toes pointed, and her most princess of faces on. She loved it.

Just watching the class was enough to be the highlight of my week, but the kids also said so many funny things during class. While Miss Mary was explaining to the class that girls are called ballerinas and boys are called ballet dancers, Mikey turned to me and whispered in his most serious voice, "Mom I will never be a ballet dancer. I would have to do too much girl stuff."

At the end of class, Miss Mary asked the kids what they wanted to be when they grow up. Natty announced that she wanted to be "an animal. Probably an owl." Nice. The mom next to me tried to console me by telling me that yesterday her daughter wanted to be a pink hotdog. Well, you got me there. An owl probably is a bit more achievable than a pink hot dog.

Finally, tonight while I was snuggling with Natty and watching cartoons (Oswald, to be exact), my darling daughter broke wind on my lap. She apologized profusely for the offense. I told her that she didn't have to be sorry because everyone toots. She then told me, "No mom. I'm a ballerina. Ballerinas don't fart." Well, good thing I never wanted to be a ballerina. Apparently, I would be automatically disqualified by my digestational habits. And let me tell you, Natty has some serious reforming to do in that area if she's going to go pro in the ballet world.


The comstocks said...

oh my gosh, that was so funny! kids are so cute!

jjstringham said...

What a cute little ballerina!! It makes me so excited for when Emily's big enough to be a ballerina too!

Stephanie said...

What a cute post! We have had many conversation in our house about how boys can be ballet dancers, even though they're not called ballerinas, and boys can dance too, etc. Michaela also often tells me that princesses don't toot, they don't burp, they don't go potty (can't figure that one out), and they "never give up". So far she hasn't mastered any of those so I always laugh at her air of expertise on all things "princess."

Stephanie said...

Oh, I guess she's mastered the potty thing so she's on the right track!

Ashlee said...

We love Miss Mary. She's a great teacher! Have fun Natalie!

Michaelynn said...

Hahaha! Too funny! Emma has a pre-ballet class with Miss Mary, too! Too bad they aren't in the same group.