Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dog for Sale. Actually, dog for free.

So, after much consideration, we Perkinses have decided that we just aren't cut out to be pet owners. Our dog is not bad, we just don't enjoy animals. We don't like to pet them or play with them or walk them. I don't like to clean up after them. Thus, we are looking to give our dog away. He is a little over a year old, black miniature schnauzer. He is teachable. Even I (being the terrible pet owner that I am) have taught him to sit, stay, back up, and roll over. You can put a dog treat on the floor in front of him and he won't go for it until you tell him "okay." I was really proud of that trick! He is also fabulous with kids. Natty will lay right on top of him and he just rolls over and licks her face. He likes to play and likes to be loved. We paid a couple hundred (ugh) dollars for him in May of 2007. If you know anyone who would like a dog--send them my way!!!

p.s. We have all his gear to give away with him---leashes, bowls, toys, crates, even a little polo shirt.


jjstringham said...
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jjstringham said...

I'm retarded. Ignore that deleted comment above. While I like the IDEA of having a dog, and I'm sure Emily would kill to have one, we won't be taking that plunge for a long time. Thanks for the offer though!

Michaelynn said...

Chance purchased a puppy early last year and I had many many misgivings about it. But he is a huge animal lover and had to do it. It didn't really work out well for us at that time. My kids were too little and I pretty much hate the idea of animals living in my house. Gross! Anyway, Noah broke his leg and was in the hospital for 2 weeks ... so the puppy had to go. Even though I would never say I was grateful that Noah broke his leg ... at least there was a hidden blessing in all of that mess.