Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Potty Talk

So we decided to take this last Tuesday off in honor of Veteran's Day. Being homeschooled and self-employed, we often work through the holidays and take our vacations while everyone else is in school. But, this time the call of Seattle was just too strong and we couldn't stand to stay cooped up in our house all day. After weighing our options carefully, we opted to catch lunch at Paseo and then head over to the Seattle Art Museum.

Paseo was DELICIOUS! It is a caribbean restaurant that specializes in the tastiest sandwiches created by mere mortal. They are seasoned so incredibly well. The taste is indescribable. I highly recommend this place.

Then we headed off to SAM. It was our first visit to Seattle's Art Museum. Now, I gotta be honest with you guys. I enjoy going to art museums, but I have no idea what is going on in most art pieces. I don't know what the artist is trying to say or why the piece is poignant enough to be placed in a museum rather than on a hotel room wall. Even so, I can appreciate the fact that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that it is admirable to see things from different points of view. That being said, one of the pieces in the modern art section of the museum was a toilet. Literally. It was a brightly colored, much adorned toilet. Upon closer inspection I found that there was actually, *ahem*, poo in the potty. Seriously, art museum? Poo is art? How much did they pay for said poo? Is there a way that I can sell pictures of poo to finance my children's education? I may not be Picasso or Rembrandt, but I can certainly manage a likeness of a bm for the right price. Perhaps I am an artist after all...


jjstringham said...

Haha! Apparently we've got plenty of "art" around our house!

Angela Joy Photography said...

yeah, I think that would be a profitable side business. Then, when *ahem* poo gets old, you can move on to more exotic things like pukey looking poo.

WheelersSix said...

ROFL! That is awesome! :)