Thursday, July 17, 2008
Go In-laws, Go!
I love the zoo. Seriously, what is better than a day at the zoo? Not much, my friends. I love to watch creatures do their crazy wild animal kingdom thing. This trip we watched a really excited ape swing from tree to tree. It was AWESOME! He (or she?) put on a huge show for us, complete with monkey noises and super cool Tarzan-like moves. Then we watched a gorgeous Koi fish eat stuff off the surface of the pond. We saw tons of macaws up close and personal, and stood right next to a sleeping monitor lizard. Hello? Am I the only one that thinks that is amazing? We even got to take a super fun train ride around the circumference of the park. The kids and I totally lucked out and got the very back row of seats so that our view of the train ride was completely unobstructed (notice Natty's concerned face in the picture below. I jumped off the train to take a picture and she was really afraid I wouldn't be able to get back on before it took off!). It was great.
The Davies
We also got to spend a few days with my folks last week. I got to see everyone--my mom, dad, sisters, brother, in-laws, Uncle Danny and Grandpa Harris. Not bad for one trip. Courtney and her husband "Big" Mike (which is a big time misnomer) let us swim in their pool (which we totally monopolized for like two hours every single day). Mikey got so good that he was able to swim from the shallow end of the pool all the way to the deep end--all by himself! My parents bought Natty a pair of rain boots, which she has insisted on wearing every second since they gave them to her. I had a great time. I love you guys so much! Thank you for having us out!!!

Visiting Grandma Trittipo
The kids and I got to spend the night at Grandma Trittipo's last week. It was so much fun! We went to Chuck E. Cheese, hung out with Uncle Dan, played legos and baby dolls, saw Kung Fu Panda and ate (a lot!). It was such a blast. Thank you for having us out, Debbie!!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Alien Martian Party
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
4th of July
Okay, so I am terribly, terribly behind on my posts. So much happened in one month that I just couldn't keep up. So, I will be catching up one event at a time, beginning with the 4th of July. I love, love, LOVE 4th of July in Washington! It is so festive! Fireworks everywhere!!! This year was especially fun because we got to share it with my perfect in-laws and the amazing Campbells. It was such a blast. We used our before mentioned BBQ (Chad managed to catch his hand on fire again, melting the good oven mitt, but that's another story for another post), Mac and Angela brought the tastiest watermelon ever grown by human hands, and the Campbells brought an incredibly delicious salad and TWO yummy desserts. Then we sat in the front yard and watched the fireworks. Chad splurged this year and got a few pieces of "real" ammo, in an attempt to make up for the disgrace of last year's purchase (How were we to know? Where we came from $30 worth of sparklers and snakes wasn't only a big deal--it was illegal!!). It was super fun to watch his inner pyro come out and visit for a night. I think it is safe to say that roman candles are his new favorite toys.
Chad's total glee was so contagious that he convinced Angela to walk away from the tri-pod and give it try. (By the way, if you want to see real 4th of July pictures, check out her page)
Natalie wasn't the biggest fan at first, but by the end of the night even she was begging for her turn to play with fire. Washington is so perfect. I used to sleep through 4th of July festivities, and now it is one of my favorite holidays!!! Yeah for Washington!!!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
It's a Little Better Without My Glasses...I Guess
MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity - Collage - Morph

At least they're chicks this time. Whoopi, though?, we are officially not friends.
One More Funny Kid Conversation
On the way to the airport to pick up Chad last night, Mikey decided to try to teach Natty addition. It went like this:
Mikey: "Natty, what is zero plus zero?"
Natty: "Zero" (just a lucky guess to any of you who may have been momentarily impressed by my mothering skills)
Mikey: "Great! Now, what's zero plus one?"
Natty: (Confidently) "Kisses"
Yes, Natty, zero plus one equals kisses. And nine plus four equals mashed potatoes. Ashlee--is it too late to sign her up for preschool?!?
Mikey: "Natty, what is zero plus zero?"
Natty: "Zero" (just a lucky guess to any of you who may have been momentarily impressed by my mothering skills)
Mikey: "Great! Now, what's zero plus one?"
Natty: (Confidently) "Kisses"
Yes, Natty, zero plus one equals kisses. And nine plus four equals mashed potatoes. Ashlee--is it too late to sign her up for preschool?!?
Happy 4th
So yesterday me and the kids were running a bunch of errands and I started talking about the American Flag and why it's important to treat it with respect. Our conversation went like this:
Me: "We should be very respectful of the flag"
Mikey: "Why?"
Me: "Because it is a reminder of all the people who lived, worked, fought and died so that we could be free..."
Natty: "Yah, and of all the zombies we had to kill..."
Happy Zombie Slaying Day, all!
Me: "We should be very respectful of the flag"
Mikey: "Why?"
Me: "Because it is a reminder of all the people who lived, worked, fought and died so that we could be free..."
Natty: "Yah, and of all the zombies we had to kill..."
Happy Zombie Slaying Day, all!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I Think Tami's Was More Flattering
MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph
Seriously? I look like an old bald guy? Or a Clay Aitkin Look-a-like? Also, the only kinda nice match up was Halle Berry, and they cut her off on the link. That's just not nice Not nice at all...
So, I was eavesdropping on my kids' conversation in the car today and it made me laugh.
Natty: "BRO! I CAN'T HEAR IT!!! (referring to the dvd player in the car)"
Mikey can't hear her because he has his headset on and is watching the movie.
Natty: (louder and with a growly, serious voice) "BROTHER! I CAN'T HEAR IT!!!"
Same response as before.
Natty: (Very angrily now) "BRO! I CA-AN'T HEAR IIIIIITTTTT!"
Mikey (takes off his headset this time and says): "Natty, you have to put your headset on."
Natty: "oh"
I don't know why, but I thought this was very, very funny.
Natty: "BRO! I CAN'T HEAR IT!!! (referring to the dvd player in the car)"
Mikey can't hear her because he has his headset on and is watching the movie.
Natty: (louder and with a growly, serious voice) "BROTHER! I CAN'T HEAR IT!!!"
Same response as before.
Natty: (Very angrily now) "BRO! I CA-AN'T HEAR IIIIIITTTTT!"
Mikey (takes off his headset this time and says): "Natty, you have to put your headset on."
Natty: "oh"
I don't know why, but I thought this was very, very funny.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Family Resemblance?
Happy Birthday Mikey!
Today Mikey turned 7 years old. I love my little boy so much. He is my "angel baby from heaven" (as his Aunt and Uncle would say). Mikey is such an example to me. He is sweet and kind. He has such pure faith. He is inquisitive and wants to learn about everything. He is sensitive and empathetic to the feelings of those around him. He's funny and loves to make people laugh. He's grateful. He's so many things that I hope to be when I "grow up!"
Mikey, I love you so much little buddy. I am so lucky to be your mom. I will try very hard to be a good parent and teach you as much as you will no doubt teach me. Happy Birthday, sweetie!
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