Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Alien Martian Party

So this month was Mikey's 7th birthday, and I decided that it was finally time to become a real mother and put on my first ever, real invite-kids-your-own-age-games-cake-chaos birthday party. In the past we lived really close to family, so I was able to eek by with regular old familial BBQ's for birthday celebrations. I have to admit, I was slightly horrified by the thought of having a half dozen little boys tearing through my house, all hopped up on sugar and adrenaline. In the end though, it was a ton of fun. Don't get me wrong, it was complete, mad chaos. But, it was fun. The theme was "Alien Martian Party" (which I realize is totally redundant, but Mikey insisted on it). We played "pin the eye on the alien" and "hot moon rock." We made UFOs and glow in the dark moon rocks. We completed the party with a real UFO b'day cake (cooked by me and decorated by Chad). I have tons of pictures, but I will only post the ones that keep the party goers anonymous. I'm not sure that other mothers want their children's pictures plastered all over my blog. Suffice it to say, it was a crazy good time!

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