Thursday, July 17, 2008

Go In-laws, Go!

Yes, I am cheering on my in-laws. Don't act like you've never done the same. You see, my brother in-law Todd, and his beautiful wife, Jessica, are making some pretty momentous steps in their lives. They will soon be both first time home buyers and first time parents. Talk about making progress! We were lucky enough to be in their neck of the woods last weekend. They took us to see their current home and the home they will soon be buying. And they made us a delicious lunch and let us play with their wii. That's real love for you. Natty informed me that once "the baby comes out of Aunt Jessica's tummy, you can have my room. I will move in with them." Thanks, Natty. Gratitude and loyalty just ooze from your presence. Congrats guys!!!

1 comment:

Jessica Lynn Perkins said...

Woo! Thanks for making us famous through your blog!!!=)