Thursday, July 3, 2008


So, I was eavesdropping on my kids' conversation in the car today and it made me laugh.

Natty: "BRO! I CAN'T HEAR IT!!! (referring to the dvd player in the car)"

Mikey can't hear her because he has his headset on and is watching the movie.

Natty: (louder and with a growly, serious voice) "BROTHER! I CAN'T HEAR IT!!!"

Same response as before.

Natty: (Very angrily now) "BRO! I CA-AN'T HEAR IIIIIITTTTT!"

Mikey (takes off his headset this time and says): "Natty, you have to put your headset

Natty: "oh"

I don't know why, but I thought this was very, very funny.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

That is very funny. Michaela and Aidan do that all the time and I always laugh after the long screaming fit when they just stop and say, "oh". I wish I could do that sometimes when I was upset about something - just stop and suddenly be okay.